

This work is part of a collection of artworks called ‘Theurgy’ from Baal, an Italian artist who lives and works in Edinburgh UK. It draws inspiration from mystical themes and symbols, creating a visual language that echoes the allure and enigma of the magical realms. Theurgy, derived from the Greek words “theos” (divine) and “ergon” (work), refers to the practice of harnessing spiritual energies. These designs aim to evoke a sense of wonder and as a reflection of the hidden forces of the universe, trying to captivate the imagination of both curious and connoisseur, inviting viewers to experience a transcendent connection with the supernatural. Echoing the flowing lines of Art Nouveau these works want to enchant, inspire and ignite conversations and work as a portal between dream and reality.

The Temple is Burning


TH3ST3P is thrilled to present to you this new series of works from the Italian artist Baal. These artworks delve into the theme of spirituality in the modern western society, emphasising the crucial role we have in preserving and nurturing its flame. The works portray temples consumed by flames and floating mannequins symbolising the fading connection between humanity and spirituality. In our fast-paced and scientific world, spirituality often takes a backseat, overshadowed by the pursuit of material success and rational thinking. The intangible aspects of our existence, such as our connection to the divine, the search for meaning, and the appreciation of the mystical, are at risk of being forgotten. Let us reclaim the quest for knowledge that encompasses both the tangible and the intangible. Through art, rituals, and communal gatherings, we can foster a sense of transcendence and connection. ‘The Temple is Burning’ urges us to examine the state of our society and encourages us to take action.